In recognition of our WHS Women's Tennis accomplishments I'll post pics tonight of our new Pioneer Blue Tennis Courts.
The courts are in, the fencing pulled, the lighting posted, landscaping beginning, and we are ready to dominate on blue.
As you see we have ample fencing on all court sides and a sloped bank on the east and south side. This is the view from the south end of the courts. Our lighting can be studied here, there are six posts
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
WHS Tennis ~ Pioneer Blue
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Stone Element Central to Commons
This is the front, main entrance to the school. these columns are covered with a fabricated stone. I think the color choice looks nice with our masonry colors. You will enter the front door between these columns.
Here is a close up view of the colors of stone accent we chose. Even though these are manufactured stone, they are not cheap facade decoration. Each stone must be set and the mortar recessed through out the work. It is very well done and looks quite impressive up close.
As you can see, the same stone work is used in the columns of these windows. (windows are not installed at this time)
Monday, September 28, 2009
Looking up Light in the Classrooms
On a recent visit I was pleased to see the new and contemporary light fixtures that we will have in the classrooms.
While most rooms will have ample "day lighting" (and some will be quite comfortable with just that) all rooms will have excellent overhead deflected fluorescent lighting.
When you walk into a classroom the daylight is first noticed. Even with the overheads off, there is enough light for mobility.