In response to reader comments this thread is now available for discussion.
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Anonymous said...
Let's hope the students and alumi of WHS will keep the school name, school colors, and mascot the same. We have been the PIONEERS since 69' and need to carry on this great tradition. Just because we are building a new school, doesn't mean that these things need to change. PIONEER BLUE AND WHITE is what we are known by, and should stand proud for the future students to come.
February 28, 2008 2:40 AM
sw said...
I believe we will always be blue and white and I know we will always be the Mighty Mighty Pioneers.
Regarding colors, what is "Pioneer blue"? Is it lighter than Carolina blue? Is it Duke blue? We will have to identify our branding blue to be used on all WHS Blue and White media.
Regarding what/who else is a pioneer beyond the 18th century settler (aka Daniel Boone)? What is a pioneer today in 2008, 2010, 2050? Who are our contemporary Pioneers? There are "pioneers" in medicine, science, exploration, space, ecology, invention, sports, culture, etc.
What other symbol/image beyond a musket and coonskin hat might also represent the many notions of todays leadership and vision? These thoughts are just being offered as a discussion point.
February 28, 2008 2:06 PM
Anonymous student comment:
What about a girl pioneer? or any other student? The pioneer is not just a sports symbol, it represents all of us.
Andrea says: well, I think that the pioneer mascot should stay but no offense, he needs a new look. I kind of don't like that our mascot looks like a gorilla holding a gun.
sw......soooo, whats the new look?.... What image should be in the middle of our basketball court? What symbol on our academic binder? Our school stationary?
Andrea comments: more modern, less daniel booneish. i mean, i know it is boone, but that doesnt mean our mascot has to look like he is daniel boone. there are tons of different kind of pioneers and moving into a new school, means that changes are likely to happen and we needa mascot to reflect the changes.
sw says..... What would be a good way to find the right image for the New WHS? I Wonder if students could design the image? Or if we could have school wide suggestion process? hmmmm.....