Next week we are losing one of our strongest advocates for the New WHS. Angela Quick, Principal of Watauga High School, is leaving her position at Watauga. We are all proud of and excited for her opportunity to demonstrate her leadership and knowledge at the State Department of Public Instruction in Raleigh.
Working side by side at the "Groundbreaking".
Angela Quick has served on the New WHS Planning Committee and the Core Team for the New School since the committees formed in 2006. She attended every meeting and contributed to the design of our new school with a future vision voice and a practical curricular insight that was priceless. She would show up at meetings with the thickest stack of reference documents and the most notes. We always knew we could backtrack previous meetings and decisions from her files, and most often, truly, from her own memory. And at every opportunity, she went out in the field with hard hat in hand for site visits.Angela was always an advocate for versatility in the design of classrooms. Her science background provided her with the ability to look at the whole structure and analyse the relationship of the parts. She was able to see the big picture of the "total school design" and also able to see the individual areas for which she worked to insure their special needs would be met.
Ms. Quick was an advocate for science and worked to advance chemistry and overall safety for the department in our new school. She supported the placement of our children with exceptional needs in a centralized location as well as championed a state of the art theatre. She supported and encouraged college quality CTE programs and facilities as well as an ROTC curriculum. Her notions of high school security were far reaching and have insured we will have a safe school beyond the capability ever possible in any other school in Watauga County. Angela understood the value of superior and totally integrated school wide technology and wireless distribution. She has inspired us to seek the most current and sophisticated technology media available for our new WHS.
Her fingerprints are all over the big design of this school. From suggesting "wings" that could possibly serve as academies or schools within schools, to centralizing student services while distributing administration throughout the school. Her ability to see the value of adequate custodial design or sophisticated computer labs as being equally important as handicapped access to bus delivery indicates her total facility awareness.
Angela fully supported and encouraged all aspects of our LEEDS efforts. She believed a healthy, bright, school would improve attendance and academic performance. She grasped the concept of the "school as a teaching tool" and readily perceived curricular components for utilizing the school design as a lesson in math, science, arts, community, heritage, and..... as a lesson in "well being" for the next generations. Principal Angela Quick: we will miss your contributions to the future decisions about the new WHS. But you have inspired us and guided us in our deliberations on design that have brought us to this point. Farewell, thank you, and go forth and make a difference. We hope you will be able to convey statewide what we are doing successfully in Watauga County.
And we look forward to your return
to visit our new school